The next step is to get all your other users up and running with Vault. The only way to avoid unresolved link issues in the future is to prohibit multiple Inventor project files entirely. The advantage of this, is that it reduces the likelihood of unresolved links in Inventor. Note: This ensures that IF multiple project files are checked into the Vault at some future point, features such as Copy Design, Move, Rename and the Job Processor, will all defer to this project file.

The part file is located locally in "C:\Work\Designs\Part1.ipj". The file will be vaulted as "$\Designs\Designs.ipj" The project file is located locally in "C:\Work\Designs.ipj". In this window, you can see that both the project file and the part file will be checked in to Vault. This method prevents you from having to ever worry about adding a library path or copying a file from another project. Using this method, any data in the vault can be reused in any assembly by using the Place from Vault command. Increased Design Reuse - Greatly simplify the reuse of other data from your vault.This greatly reduces the number of times you need to manually locate missing files. Reduced Resolution Failures - Inventor can automatically search for any missing files throughout your entire data set.You also benefit from having a single common location for all of your data. This keeps you from having to remember what project file to use with which dataset. Simplicity - With a single project, you use the same project file for every design in your environment.With the single project file configuration you gain: Vault is there to manage that for you and is very good at it. Failure to adopt a single Vault project file will result in time lost searching for files. If you are adopting Vault for the first time, keep it simple, use one project file. However, this will result in unresolved links when opening files in Inventor at some point. It's important to remember that Vault does support the use of multiple project files. This method is both simple and robust, while at the same time remaining flexible.

This article suggests perhaps the simplest Inventor and Vault configuration to minimize Administrative overhead and avoid the complexity associated with multiple project files. The initial configuration of Vault is critical to a successful implementation.

#Autodesk inventor 2015 vault professional#
Issue: Introduction: Great start for new Vault Basic, Workgroup, or Professional implementations